Hours for Monday: Closed.
Hours for Monday: Closed.

Aesthetic Vision: American Style — Northeastern Works from the Permanent Collection

The Hudson River Valley was recently named by National Geographic Traveler as one of the “Top 20 Destinations of the World.” It is a region filled with magnificent beauty, history and culture. It extends 150 miles above the tip of New York City and was the inspiration for a group of artists who became known as the Hudson River School Painters. The Hudson River was discovered by accident as Henry Hudson, an English explorer, was searching for a shorter route from the North Atlantic Coast to China. His ship and crew sailed 150 miles up the New York Bay before they realized the river would not lead them to their destination. Connecticut is another area of the Northeast that inspired artists from the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  American painter, Henry Ward Ranger established The Old Lyme Art Colony in 1899. The colony considered the “American Barbizon” was significant in the development of American Impressionism. Matilda Browne, Bruce Crane, and Guy Wiggins were all painters from the colony.  Old Lyme remains a thriving art community today. Artists across America were influenced by these styles and movements.  Whether they chose an Impressionist or Realist style they all recognized the beauty of our Northeastern lands

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