The Marietta Cobb Museum of Art is pleased to present FOLK ART VISIONARIES – works by self-taught artists. This art is on loan from the private collections of several Marietta citizens. It consists of two and three-dimensional works created in a variety of mediums. Included are painters, potters, sculptures, and carvers. Among the 32 artists presented in this exhibition are works by The Reverend Howard Finster, R.A. Miller, Lanier Meaders, O.L. Samuels, Thornton Dial, Sarah Rakes, Jimmy Lee Suddeth, Clementine Hunter, Willie Tarver, Mattie Lou O’Kelley, Ned Cartledge, Lonnie Holley and Mose Tolliver.
FOLK ART – is art originating among the common people of a nation or region and usually reflects their traditional culture, especially every-day or festive items produced or decorated by unschooled artists. Scholars often feel ambivalent toward the work of self-taught artists; they rarely agree on what to call it: art brut, naïve, folk, primitive, visionary, and outsider, just to name a few. However, the work of these artists often shares several characteristics: they are less likely than trained artists to create a hierarchy of composition in their work, to the point that there is a feeling of un-plannedness to it.