The Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild is pleased to present a Southeastern juried textile exhibition exploring fiber art and work that reference or utilize fiber or fiber techniques in innovative ways. This exhibit is sponsored by the Chattahoochee Handweavers Guild and will feature art work by fiber artist’s from the Southeastern United States. The juror was Catharine Ellis, who taught the Professional Craft Fiber Program at Haywood Community College for 30 years and is now devoted to studio work, research, and specialized teaching.
Exhibited Artists:
Sarah Butz M. Lynette Holmes Lynn Pollard
Kathy Colt Robin Johnston Helen McBride Richter
Karen Donde Judith Powell Krone Tommye McClure Scanlin
Nancy Dugger Rachel Meggines Christine Stanton
Geri Forkner Jennifer Moss Dianne N. Totten
Laura Gaskin Patricia Mink Marianne R. Williamson Jayne B. Gaskins