Supply List
Palette paper
1 set of brushes that may be used with acrylics and oils (Princeton real value 9100 brushes Amazon)
Small and medium-sized pallet knives
Acrylic paints
Burnt Sienna
Raw Umber
Oil Paints
Large Tube of Titanium White
Cadmium Yellow (no hue)
Cadmium Red (no hue)
Alizarin Crimson
Yellow Ochre
Viridian Green
Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
Burnt & Raw Sienna
Burnt & Raw Umber
9×12 canvas pad
Linseed oil
Odorless Turpenoid
2 glass jars with lids
Small Squirt Bottle
4’ paint brush
Quart of kilz oil base primer
Beginner Oil Painting
This is a 5-week session exploring the techniques of creating Still Life with Oils. Although this class is for beginners, all levels are welcome. This is a class for ages 16+
Instructor: Philip Myrick
Day: Thursdays
Time: 11:15 am -1:15 pm
Dates: August 15 – September 12, 2024 (5-Week Session)
Fees: $225 Member/ $245 Not Yet Member