Hours for Tuesday: 11am – 7pm.
Hours for Tuesday: 11am – 7pm.


Metro Montage XXII People’s Choice Award Winner!

“This painting began with a beautiful photo I saw on Flickr. The photographer told me it was taken first thing in the morning, as the windows face east in this Gothic-style reading room at Duke University. I removed two enormous armchairs that were blocking the foreground view, but then had to face the task of replacing the carpet revealed by the elimination of those chairs.”
Gail Wegodsky (Sandy Springs, GA) Vaulting Morning Ambitions 2021 Oil on linen

The Winners of Metro Montage XXII

First Place Prize: Robert Meredith’s Studio Mirror (2018). This oil painting on a panel carved by Robert Meredith exemplifies Meredith’s masterful understanding of technique and subject matter; a personal narrative is imbued into an expertly executed trompe-l’oeil painting. Meredith succeeds in creating a work of art that is not only awestriking in its impressive and clean application of oil paint, but it also directly connects the artist to the viewer. Meredith literally allows viewers a glimpse into his life and artistic practice.

Second Place Prize: Crystian Hopper’s Scarlet (2022). Crystian Hopper’s larger-than-life colored pencil work on Bristol paper is an immaculate effort in photorealism. The artist is able to capture highlights and shadows, subtle variations in texture, and to even evoke a sense of movement, despite the subject matter being inanimate. The intense, striking shades of red capture the attention of the viewer. It is then upon a closer and more deliberate inspection that it becomes clear that the piece of art is a hand-drawn, meticulously rendered still life.

Third Place Prize: Suzy Schultz’s Falling Leaves (2022).  In watercolor, Suzy Schultz paints a stunning portrait of a woman amongst a flurry of leaves that descend from above. Schultz’s use of watercolor paint to create stunning realism, as well as the more abstracted background, displays the artist’s unique style. Schultz leans into the aqueous nature of watercolor with the dripping background and explores fields of colors in varying opacities. She also, however, has skillfully implemented shadow and light, texture, compositional balance, and mood by way of the human figure portrayed.

Opening Reception from 6:00 to 8:00 PM on Saturday July 9, 2022. Free for MCMA members and $10 for guests—admission paid upon entry. Cash bar and hors d’oeuvres served. Membership can be purchased at the event.

Metro Montage is the Marietta Cobb Museum of Art’s annual juried exhibition featuring all types of genre, medium, style, subject matter, concept, and technique in art from across the country. Metro Montage XXII features works of fine art by contemporary artists that showcase the diversity and skill within our nation’s culture. Metro Montage XXII will be exhibited throughout the Museum’s galleries on both floors.

Chad Awalt

Jeffrey Babine

Donna Barnhart

Ramses H. Batista

Leon Borchers

Claudia Botwin Goodman

Anne Bradham

Karen Bradshaw

Jenny Brahm

Moira Brennen

Caleb Brown

Alice Burnette

Philip Carpenter

Diane Clapes

Donna Colebeck

Jessica Cook

Mary Belle Cordell

Valentina Custer O’Roark

Nikki Davidson

Sonia Diaz-Batson

Terri Dilling

Steve Dininno

Jan DiPietro

Allison Doke

William Dooley

Vincent Drake

Judson Duke

Cecelia Dunn

Melanie Eberhardt

Barbara Edwards

Kathy Erickson

Jeffrey Fibus

Lisa Finlayson

Clay Fisher

Allison Frink

Eloisa Gallegos Hernandez

Joseph Gargasz

Laurie Gooseff

Luke Graves

Justin Groom

Anne Emerson Hall

TJ Haugh

Michael Heffernan

Leah Hopkins Henry

Saul Hernandez

Crystian Hopper

Heidi Hunt

Sara Jones

Elizabeth Kayl

Bryan Kennelly

Mickey King

Beth Krah

Karl Kroeppler

Lisa Lang

J. (Jie) Li

Joe Loehr

Nancy Jeanette Long

Arline Mann

Crystal Marshall

Jane Martin

Lynn Mayes

Julie Mazzoni

Candace McCollough

Becca McCoy

Robert McDonald

Shane McDonald

Shannon Meadows

Mary Means

Robert Meredith

Fran Milner

Dale Molnar

Eric Moore

Katherine Moore

Martie L Moore

Ellen Moore-Osborne

Amy Nelder

Marilyn Nolan-Johnson

Donna Outwater

Krys Pettit

John Pickering

Doug Pisik & Robert G. Burch

Marla Puziss

Paula Reynaldi

Mandy Robinson

Korey Rowswell

Suzy Schultz

Lisa Schwendemann Smith

Charles Scogins

Mwasaa Sherard

Alyssa Smith

Joel Sobelson

Jane Springfield

Stella Spyrou

Carve Stone

Janet Suarez

Jerome Tarpley

Melvin Toledo

Debra Wade-Eulau

Julia Washburn

Susan Duke Waters

Gail Wegodsky

Jeffrey Wilcox Paclipan

Susan Winchester

Debra Yaun

Don Yaun

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